DISCLAIMER: The solutions presented on this page are the property of ACME LABS Sp. z o.o. and are subject to legal protection in Poland and abroad, on the basis of intellectual and industrial property rights.


AVON has been attacked by ransomware

Konsultantki i pracownicy AVON boj? si?, ?e ich dane wyciek?y — Niebezpiecznik.pl –. Od ponad tygodnia otrzymujemy od Was niepokoj?ce sygna?y dotycz?ce chaosu, jaki panuje w firmie AVON. Oficjalna strona niczego nie mówi o incydencie teleinformatycznym, wy?wietlaj?c tylko komunikat znany z rozkopanych dróg: ” zmieniamy si? dla Ciebie „. Ale wiele wskazuje na to, ?e powodem zmiany jest atak na infrastruktur? IT.

A special team at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority is starting up to help financial institutions oppose cybercriminals

In Poland, three Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) have been set up to fight cybercriminals. NASIR CSIRT deals with recognizing, preventing and detecting threats to the security of the entire country. CSIRT GOV, subordinate to the head of the Internal Security Agency, guards the security of ICT systems in public administration, and CSIRT MON monitors areas subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.

Play mobile operator: scammers fish on fake invoices

The scammers are "catching" Play customers again. They send fake invoices requiring payment. Don't be fooled and check if the bill really comes from the mobile operator. Warning! We warn against the next installment of the well-known attack using the image of the Play mobile telephony operator. Cybercriminals send messages with alleged invoices containing macros that download Zloader malware.

The Ministry of Digitization warns: don't be fish, don't get caught

Don't click on suspicious links. If you receive an e-mail or text message, and you are not sure that the sender is real - do not answer or click on the links in the messages - warns the Polish Ministry of Digitization in a Friday message. The resort informs that the name phishing does not accidentally evoke sound associations with fishing, or - in English - catching fish.

Watch out for text messages from INP0ST

Did you notice 0 instead of O in the title? Text messages signed as "INP0ST" (through zero) are now being massively sent to Poles' telephones. They encourage you to download the application, suggesting that we will then receive our package's receiving code: You will receive the receiving code after downloading our new appinp0st [.] Com. Text messages are also sent from the overscription: IMPORTANT.

Emails are the most common source of ransomware infection in companies - see Sophos report

Electronic mail is the most common "gate" that ransomware [1] gets into company systems - according to a study by Sophos. [2] The source of up to 39% of attacks of this type in Poland are malicious links or attachments sent by email. The vast majority enterprises regain access to information encrypted by criminals. Only every fourth decides to pay the ransom, while 56% relies [...]

Polish Police broke the frauster group that used BLIK

One group of criminals run by a 34-year-old that was responsible for many frauds using BLIK was detained last week . Six of his companions had already been detained and the counting of the number of victims is still underway. We wrote about "BLIK" scams last year. They consist in the fact that the criminal breaks into a Facebook account and then asks the victim's friends to send BLIK codes and other data.