Unfortunately, this is the most common answer when the aggrieved party calls the entity from which he believed he received the email. And yet, according to the information on the website in the cybersecurity tab, you checked the address from which you received the e-mail exactly letter by letter. You also know that for uppercase letters, you need to check that it is not replacing lowercase with other uppercase letters and numbers. You are in the group of 4% of people who, according to the SGH (Warsaw School of Economics) report, read information and warnings about cyber threats. It turns out, however, that it did not help much. You have fallen victim to phishing.
Now, all you can do is search for the latest backup files, if you have one, or to recover important documents and family photos, pay a ransom in bitcoin. Do you feel safely now? You think you are looked after by your suppliers?
Why do suppliers not take responsibility for allowing someone to impersonate them and causing damage to their customers? Those who are most often impersonated by criminals are large companies that have the appropriate infrastructure, human resources and resources to ensure the security of electronic communications for our consumers, most of whom do not have the appropriate expertise.
eZNACZEK is a solution that allows, among others the financial institutions, telecoms, courier companies and other entities communicating with the client, and enhances security of mass electronic correspondence. Thanks to it, these companies can offer their clients the security and comfort of cooperation in e-mail correspondence.