We will win! This is how the thanks for winning the bid for the final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in 2021 begin. By supporting the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, we win much more than just the auction! 😉

During the last final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, eZNACZEK (ACME LABS Sp. z o.o.) auctioned off cufflinks at an exciting auction. The cufflinks were donated for the needs of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity by Przemysław Gdański, President of the Management Board of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.
For all those who also hunted for them - keep your head up. The cufflinks auctioned by eZNACZEK will return to the auction pool of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in the final in 2022, and as you have certainly noticed in the photos attached - the cufflinks and the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity certificate were signed by President Przemysław Gdański.
Mr. President - thank you!
We encourage you to participate in the next auction!