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„Wzrost cyberprzest?pczo?ci”. Poczta wskaza?a trzy najpopularniejsze metody oszust

The Polish Post Office warns against cyber criminals impersonating the company. These include, for example, fake SMS messages about stopping the disinfection shipment and emails that may contain malware. The company said in a Monday announcement that since the onset of the ongoing epidemic, it had seen a worrying increase in customer information about phishing-based cybercrime, i.e. brand impersonation for phishing or theft of money.

Fake emails imitating Orange!

Literally a few moments ago we received two new scams imitating Orange Polska. One pretends to be an invoice for telecommunications services, while the other reports an alleged error in the extension of services. The number of notifications that have reached CERT Orange Polska indicates that we are dealing with an extremely large wave of fake emails, just as it was in the recent weeks.

In the COVID-19 era, banks are opening up banking by phone more widely. Is it a mistake?

It is no longer just the access to the account via the Internet, but the banking services offered via telephone communication channels that are becoming a weak point of remote banking. Unfortunately, in the pandemic era, banks make it possible to perform a growing range of operations over the phone. When we come to the bank in person, we need to "identify ourselves" with an ID card.

Someone claimed to be a bank customer and asked the bank's hotline to change the phone number for text messages. Bank: OK. PLN 150k disappeared from the account

The attack scenario against which the police warns is given in the title. Let's quote a larger passage: One of the banks was called by a man who introduced himself as the account owner. He informed the bank employee that he had a problem logging in to his account. During the verification of the data, the man stated that the phone number is wrong ...