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Poland at the bottom of the European cybersecurity ranking

Even 100,000 daily users were attacked by a spam campaign distributing the Emotet Trojan, experts from Check Point Research say. In their opinion, due to holiday hacking attacks, the Trojan was again at the top of the list of the most used malware. Meanwhile, the Polish Internet, apart from Emotet, is also plagued by the Dridex banking trojan and Rig EK malware. Our country is only 26th in Europe in terms of cybersecurity. Will 2021 be safer?

Fake websites of the Polish Post.

The number of people buying online is increasing, and so is the risk of data or money theft. Fraudsters also use the trusted brand of the Polish Post. Criminals pretend to be the Company and "on its behalf" send messages to customers prompting them to click on a suspicious link similar to the address of a real website belonging to the national operator, which is: https://www.poczta-polska.pl/.

Remote desktop scam

Ko?obrzeska Policja ostrzega przed oszustami dzia?aj?cymi metod? „na zdalny pulpit?. Wykorzystuj?c dane mieszka?ca Ko?obrzegu oszu?ci zaci?gn?li po?yczk? w wysoko?ci 168 tysi?cy z?otych. Pokrzywdzony mia? zainwestowa? na rynku kryptowalut. Instaluj?c podan? przez przest?pców aplikacj?, udost?pni? im swój komputer.