DISCLAIMER: The solutions presented on this page are the property of ACME LABS Sp. z o.o. and are subject to legal protection in Poland and abroad, on the basis of intellectual and industrial property rights.


Dangerous Sites Watch List - CERT Polska (Article in Polish)

Together with telecommunications operators, we are starting the fight against websites that obtain personal data, credentials to bank accounts and social networking sites. The list of warnings begins to operate in response to a significant increase in the number of phishing scams related to content related to the coronavirus epidemic. As part of our cooperation, we will publish a list of domains used for fraud - anyone can download and implement it.

Preying on psychosis. 10 examples from the last days. (Article in Polish)

Are you afraid of coronavirus? You may lose money. The crooks stormed the hunt. They proclaim, charge, sell. In Bankier.pl we show 10 real examples to warn more potential victims. Disorganization and disinformation, ideally additionally lined with fear, is an ideal basis for the development of crime. All these conditions have been met in Poland for several days.

New attack with coronavirus in the background - food support from the Ministry of Health

We already know that criminals attacking Polish Internet users will not shy away from any opportunity to attack. However, they must be admitted that they are extremely hard-working and in the age of the plague sweat their foreheads, producing new ideas. Just as yesterday we described two scenarios of attacks on "coronavirus", leading to phishing for electronic banking and theft of money.

Beware of theft that uses the "coronavirus scenario". (Article in Polish)

Uwaga na kradzie? z rachunku „na koronawirusa”

It wasn't long before the scammers, using the popular "false online payment gateway" method, finally decided to adapt their campaigns to the current media trend and used the coronavirus thread to attack. Good bait is the basis - and can there be better bait than coronavirus and excuse in the form of deprivation of funds from the account?