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PKO BP: false requests for confirmation of personal data

Przest?pcy rozsy?aj? fa?szywe pro?by o potwierdzenie danych osobowych. W mailach podszywaj?cych si? pod PKO Bank Polski znajduje si? pro?ba o zaktualizowanie systemu zabezpiecze?, potwierdzenie danych osobowych i klikni?cie w link. E-maile s? rozsy?ane z fa?szywych adres mailowych, które sugeruj?, ?e przychodz? one z banku. Link kieruje do podrobionej strony serwisu transakcyjnego.

Watch out for the fake website of BNP Paribas bank. This website appears on Google and is confusingly similar to the real one

BNP Paribas \Bank Polska warns against fraudsers impersonating this institution. Criminals create fake websites that appear in the form of advertisements after entering, for example, the name of the bank in the Google search engine. Clicking on the link from the online ad results in redirection to an address resembling a page for logging in to electronic banking.

Attack on SGB Bank customers. Scammers promote fake pages on the Google search engine

CERT Polska warns against another extortion attempt. Fraudsters have used the search engine trick we have already described several times. For inattentive users, this could end up losing money. At the end of June, we described a fraud involving Getin Bank. The scammers then used advertising on Google, i.e. positioning their own search result at the very top.

A large group of Polish Internet criminals cauhgt and detained. Bravo!

In this story, there are millions of PLN stolen by duplicate SIM cards, a bomb alarm in over a thousand kindergartens, dozens of malicious domains, several Trojan horse families, seven detained criminals and even detective Rutkowski. The information we collected leaves no room for doubt - the arrested cybercriminals were of the highest category.

Polish Financial Ombudsman: Less than half of the banks follow the D + 1 rule

Unauthorized transactions are a growing problem, according to the data of the (Polish) Financial Ombudsman. Monthly there may be even 18 thousand complaints. Banks are to return the money immediately - emphasizes the spokesman. If fraud is suspected, the bank should notify law enforcement in writing. Interview with the (Polish) Financial Ombudsman, dr hab. Mariusz Golecki.