The e-mail informs us about the possibility of paying a tax refund, however, the website's task is to steal data for our card!null
This is not an Amazon award!
To nie jest nagroda z Amazona! Dzi? od rana w naszej sieci sypn??o SMSami z kolejn? kampani? phishingow?. Tym razem nieco lepiej przygotowan?, aczkolwiek rnie? pe?n? luk, podobnych do tych, które opisywali?my w ubieg?ym miesi?cu. Zaczyna si? od SMSa od nadawcy ?Verify”. Szczegó?owej tre?ci wiadomo?ci nie znamy, w ka?dym razie jest w nim link, przekierowuj?cy do witryny hxxp://
Scammers pretend to be DHL and InPost
Jak bumerang wraca fala oszustw „na dop?at? do dezynfekcji przesy?ki”. Oszu?ci podszywaj? si? pod firmy logistycznej DHL i InPost. Wysy?aj? wiadomo?ci z informacj? o konieczno?ci zap?acenia niewielkiej sumy, ostrzega CERT Orange Polska. Aby wp?aci? 1,29 z? trzeba zalogowa? si? do bankowo?ci internetowej.
Attention to the new scenario of an attack on customers of InPost and Poland's largest banks
A wave of attacks on clients of Polish banks has been going on for several days, in which thieves have implemented several innovations that could confuse the victims. It is worth getting to know the new scenario and show it to your family and friends who are less aware of threats. Unfortunately, recent years have made us accustomed to attacks such as Dotpay / PayU, where the scenario of events was painfully repetitive, but extremely effective.
How to lose funds from your credit card if you sell stuff on OLX
You are listing the goods on OLX. An interested customer appears very quickly, who wants to use the secure "OLX Shipment". In the end, however, it turns out that instead of getting more money, it has disappeared - and quite a lot. What happened? Every new delivery service, payment method or any other facilitation of shopping on commercial websites causes the emergence of new fraud scenarios.
Every employee has a cybersecurity blind spot
Every employee has a cybersecurity blind spot – Help Net Security
80% of companies say that an increased cybersecurity risk caused by human factors has posed a challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in times of heightened stress. This is according to Cyberchology: The Human Element, a new report that explores the role employees and their personality play in keeping organisations safe from cyber threats.