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Polish companies must have "zero trust"

W polskim biznesie konieczna jest fundamentalna zmiana podej?cia do bezpiecze?stwa cyfrowego. ?Drogie i skomplikowane rozwi?zania trzeba od?o?y? do lamusa” – radzi ekspert. Pospieszne dzia?ania podejmowane w czasie pandemii przez polskie firmy nie zawsze by?y bezpieczne. Du?ym wyzwaniem dla firm jest niedob fachowców od bezpiecze?stwa cyfrowego i brak mo?liwo?ci zapobiegania coraz to bardziej innowacyjnym cyfrowym atakom – wed?ug Deloitte.

Scam on Cyberpunk 2077. Beware of bogus e-mails

Beware of bogus Cyberpunk 2077 beta test invitation emails. If you receive an email invitation to Cyberpunk 2077 beta testing, it's best not to open it at all. You can only face unpleasant consequences. A lot of entries about e-mail messages allegedly sent by the creators of Cyberpunk 2077 have appeared on the web in recent hours. They can cause a lot of smile on the faces of recipients, especially when it comes to players.

False investments, parcel surcharges, BLIK code scams - current threats and tips on how to avoid them.

Unfortunately, there is always something going on among the risks associated with online banking and financial operations on the Internet. First of all, there are new versions of previously known attacks, but we also observe fraud attempts where the modus operandi is completely new. From time to time I will try to present here - on our blog CAsfera.pl - the most popular and the latest fraud scenarios.